
Please go to the Snap object reference to learn more about how this object works.

This is the main feature of SnapsBrew, this is the one feature that will let you automate your marketing to levels you've never seen. Now you can say good bye to spending tons of hours designing, editing and copying and pasting the same design over an over for a hundred products. Just use one of SnapsBrew tailored designs, make an API call to SnapsBrew with a link to the image you want to reuse and voilá! A thousand custom images in just a few minutes.

You don't believe it? Just give it a try.

This endpoint will allow you to make a POST request to create custom images from templates that you've previously created inside SnapsBrew.

Take a look below.


Request Body

  "template_uuid": "141e8454-8aa1-420a-bd0b-18a85ba949a2",
  "type": "image",
  "layers": [
      "layer": "review_poster",
      "modifications": {
        "image_url": ""
      "layer": "review_title",
      "modifications": {
        "text": "The worst Time-Travel movie ever made"
      "layer": "reviewer_handle",
      "modifications": {
        "text": "@grumpyTraveler"
template_uuid Required
The UUID of the template you want to use.
type Default: image
The type of snap you want to generate: image, pdf
The layers field receives an array of Layer objects. This field will match and overwrite the layers of the template selected. If this field is not present in th request, an asset will be generated with the default template design.

Please go to the Layer object reference to learn more about how this object works.


  "uuid": "73824855-47b0-421d-be7d-e238ebfbfe29",
  "media_url": "",
  "created_at": "1985-10-15:18:38.000000Z"

This endpoint will allow you to make a GET request to get a list of the snaps that have been created. This endpoint doesn't have any required fields but you certainly need to add a few to travel trough the paginated list.



  "cursor": "1041afe7-b9c3-42ef-8530-6910bb486e76"
Cursor position of the paginated response.
pagination Default: 15
The items quantity returned in each response page.


  "items": [
      "uuid": "73824855-47b0-421d-be7d-e238ebfbfe29",
      "template_uuid": "141e8454-8aa1-420a-bd0b-18a85ba949a2",
      "type": "image",
      "params": [
          "layer": "review_poster",
          "image_url": ""
          "layer": "review_title",
          "text": "The worst Time-Travel movie ever made"
          "layer": "reviewer_handle",
          "text": "@grumpyTraveler"
      "media_url": "",
      "created_at": "1985-10-15:18:38.000000Z"
  "metadata": {
    "items_per_page": 15,
    "next_page_cursor": "d78ae80b-34d5-4a1e-8845-48bbff14697b",
    "previous_page_cursor": null

This endpoint will allow you to make a GET request to get a single snap.



  "uuid": "73824855-47b0-421d-be7d-e238ebfbfe29",
  "template_uuid": "141e8454-8aa1-420a-bd0b-18a85ba949a2",
  "type": "image",
  "params": [
      "layer": "review_poster",
      "image_url": ""
      "layer": "review_title",
      "text": "The worst Time-Travel movie ever made"
      "layer": "reviewer_handle",
      "text": "@grumpyTraveler"
  "media_url": "",
  "created_at": "1985-10-15:18:38.000000Z"