
Please go to the Template object reference to learn more about how this object works.

Templates are, well, templates that you can cutomize in order to design hundreds of images for any of your marketing needs. You can use these templates to generate social cards, product images, instagram stories, certificates, and so on. In this page you'll learn how to list them with the API, and how to know what can be modified in these templates.

This endpoint will allow you to make a GET request to get a list of the templates that have been created in your account. This endpoint doesn't have any required fields but you certainly need to add a few to travel trough the paginated list.

GET https://snapsbrew.com/api/v1/templates


  "cursor": "1041afe7-b9c3-42ef-8530-6910bb486e76"
Cursor position of the paginated response.
pagination Default: 15
The items quantity returned in each response page.


  "items": [
      "title": "Movie reviews twitter card",
      "uuid": "141e8454-8aa1-420a-bd0b-18a85ba949a2",
      "layers": [
          "layer": "review_poster",
          "available_modifications": {
            "image_url": "https://snapsbrew.com/crazy-doc-brown-jailed"
          "layer": "review_title",
          "available_modifications": {
            "text": "The worst Time-Travel movie ever made"
          "layer": "reviewer_handle",
          "available_modifications": {
            "text": "@grumpyTraveler"
      "created_at": "1985-10-15:18:38.000000Z"
  "metadata": {
    "items_per_page": 15,
    "next_page_cursor": "d78ae80b-34d5-4a1e-8845-48bbff14697b",
    "previous_page_cursor": null

This endpoint will allow you to make a GET request to get a single template.

GET https://snapsbrew.com/api/v1/templates/{templateUuid}


  "title": "Movie reviews twitter card",
  "uuid": "141e8454-8aa1-420a-bd0b-18a85ba949a2",
  "layers": [
      "layer": "review_poster",
      "available_modifications": {
        "image_url": "https://snapsbrew.com/crazy-doc-brown-jailed"
      "layer": "review_title",
      "available_modifications": {
        "text": "The worst Time-Travel movie ever made"
      "layer": "reviewer_handle",
      "available_modifications": {
        "text": "@grumpyTraveler"
  "created_at": "1985-10-15:18:38.000000Z"